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De PicoGlow Laser Treatment

The PicoGlow Laser Treatment is a laser treatment in the face that ensures firming, smooth and radiant skin.

✓ A radiant, firming and smooth skin
✓ Trained skin therapists and laser specialists
✓ Suitable for all skin types
✓ Minimal downtime

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After a PicoGlow treatment my skin really shines, very happy with this treatment!

Esther Weijkamp @amsterdamcityquide

PicoGlow, the treatment for radiant skin!

The PicoGlow Treatment is the number 1 laser treatment for radiant, firming, smooth and fresh skin.

Due to the advanced technology of the PicoWay Resolve, this treatment has a minimal recovery period. This makes the PicoGlow Treatment a safe, effective and fast method for skin improvement.

The PicoGlow Treatment is suitable for all skin types, which means that dark skin types (skin types 4 to 6) can also be treated safely.

The PicoGlow Treatment provides skin improvement in several areas during the same treatment, such as:

✓ Fine lines
✓ Wrinkles
✓ Pigment spots
✓ Acne scars
✓ Dull skin
✓ Grove poriën
✓ Schade door zon

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Why the PicoGlow?

Compared to other lasers, the PicoWay Resolve, the laser used for the PicoGlow Treatment, has a much higher speed with which the light beams are brought into the skin. This means that side effects such as extreme heat, swelling and pain are not part of the treatment and after effects. These after-effects are not only annoying, but can also make the treatment less effective, because pigment spots can even worsen. By avoiding the heat during the treatment, the PicoGlow Treatment is a much safer method than other lasers.

During your first appointment, the skin therapist will take an intake. During this meeting we will tell you everything you need to know about this treatment, your wishes will be discussed and a tailor-made treatment plan can be drawn up. You will of course have the opportunity to ask questions during this interview. An intake interview is completely non-binding.

✓ Free intake
✓ Minimal downtime
✓ Scientifically proven results
✓ HBO-certified skin therapists
✓ Member of the NVH
✓ KP registered

The PicoGlow is a fantastic treatment to make the skin radiant again. After 1 treatment, our clients already see an increase in the “glow” of their skin and that the skin already feels firmer. The total effect of the treatment is usually visible after 6 weeks. The number of treatments needed to satisfy everyone can vary due to several factors. One skin is a bit duller, weaker or older than the other.

How it works
What exactly is the effect of this treatment, so that all signs of skin aging are tackled during the PicoGlow Treatment? This is based on the picosecond technology of the PicoWay laser. The laser produces concentrated small beams of light that are absorbed into the skin. Here they give a stimulus to the deeper skin layers, which gives skin processes a boost again. All skin functions are, as it were, shaken awake and perform better again due to this input. One aspect of this is that collagen production gets a huge boost. The collagen network becomes larger and tighter, which gives more firmness and elasticity to the skin. This results in an actually tighter skin. In addition, collagen has a special effect on the skin. During the PicoGlow Treatment, any small scars are also reduced. For example, small wounds, remnants of acne or even ‘icepick’ acne scars can be reduced more here. This happens because during the PicoGlow Treatment the collagen ‘level’ is restored in these small injuries and scars.

Pigment spots are a common phenomenon, which is perceived by many as cosmetically disturbing. They interrupt an even complexion and can increase considerably in number and intensity over the years. The PicoGlow Treatment also addresses this aspect of skin aging. The beams of light are absorbed by the excess pigment in the skin. This breaks up the pigment particles so that they can be drained through the skin in the recovery process. The pigment spots will become increasingly lighter in 4 to 6 weeks after the treatment.

After a PicoGlow Treatment, it often happens that the skin can feel slightly warm for up to an hour after the treatment. Redness and a slight swelling are also common skin reactions and some red dots (petechiae) may be visible. These skin reactions have already decreased considerably after one day on average and after two days most cases are completely gone. One day after the treatment it is possible to apply make-up to the skin again.

Yes, I want a PicoGlow treatment!

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Locatie Utrecht intake
Frequently Asked Questions

What everyone wants to know about the PicoGlow Treatment.

During the PicoGlow treatment, light is injected into the skin. This can be felt in the form of a small tap / the feeling of a small rubber band hitting the skin. The face is treated in parts and depending on the indication and treatment area, the treatment takes between 45-60 minutes.

After 1 treatment your skin will develop a beautiful, refined glow. It is therefore a perfect treatment to make your skin shine again. If the skin is dull, somewhat slack and has light pigment spots, 1 treatment is often sufficient. If you suffer from some dark pigmentation, enlarged pores and possibly some scars, multiple treatments are required. Exactly how many this will be will be discussed during the intake. In addition, the treatment can be repeated regularly.

After the skin reaction of the treatment has subsided after 1 or 2 days, the effect of the treatment is slowly put into effect. Because the dermis (the deeper skin layer) starts to regenerate, it takes an average of 4 weeks before the first differences are noticeable. The result will form in the period of 4 to 6 weeks after the treatment. The end result is measurable after 6 weeks. If you undergo a series of treatments, it is advisable, depending on your indication, to undergo the next PicoGlow treatment after a period of 4 to 6 weeks.

The treatment is not painful. The treatment may feel a little stinging, combined with warmth, which can last for several hours. After the treatment, the skin is slightly red, accompanied by a slight swelling, which can last for about 24 hours. Small red dots may also be visible on the skin, which usually heal within 2 days. As a check, we ask you to email us a photo 24 hours after the treatment, so that we can evaluate the skin reaction.

After a PicoGlow treatment, it often happens that the skin can feel slightly warm for up to an hour after the treatment. Redness and a slight swelling are also common skin reactions and some red dots (petechiae) may be visible. These skin reactions have already decreased considerably after one day on average and after two days most cases are completely gone. One day after the treatment it is possible to apply make-up to the skin again.

After the treatment, the skin is cooled and SPF50 is applied to your skin. We recommend applying SPF50 to the skin for at least 2 weeks after treatment. On the day of the treatment, we do not recommend intensive sports or going to the sauna.

Yes. Skin type 1 to 6 can be treated. This means that the darkest skin can be treated safely with the PicoGlow treatment. The intense heat released by older lasers during a treatment can be harmful and even increase pigmentation. During the PicoGlow treatment, little heat is released, so there is no question of this annoying side effect.

The operation of this treatment is based on the picosecond technology of the PicoWay laser. The laser produces concentrated small beams of light that are absorbed into the skin. Here they give a stimulus to the deeper skin layers, which gives skin processes a boost again. All skin functions are, as it were, shaken awake and perform better again due to this input. One aspect of this is that it significantly increases collagen production. The collagen network becomes larger and tighter, which gives more firmness and elasticity to the skin. This results in an actually tighter skin. In addition, collagen has a special effect on the skin.

No. This treatment cannot be performed during pregnancy/breastfeeding. Due to the hormonal changes, the skin reaction can be very unpredictable. In some cases this can even lead to an aggravation of the indication. For example, pigmentation can turn darker.

Yes. Before and after a PicoGlow treatment, it is advisable to leave the skin alone for two weeks. This means not to undergo any aggressive or deep skin treatments during that period. Examples include a deep peeling, other laser treatments, microdermabrasion or coagulation treatments. Outside this period it is allowed to undergo all other treatments.

If you use medication, have an autoimmune disease or any other medical condition, this will be discussed in advance during the intake. Some types of medication can cause an increased sensitivity to light.