The most effective way to remove Melasma
If you are struggling with the difficult to treat Melasma, then you know that this treatment can’t be prevented. The PicoWay Resolve is one of the fastest and most effective Melasma treatments, also suitable for darker skin types. The results is often visible with just a few treatments.
✓ Award winning laser, PicoWay
✓ FDA-approved
✓ Certified skin therapists and laser specialists
✓ Suitable for all skin types
✓ Minimal downtime

Very good laser shop! Think the best. Very nice and pleasant service, highly recommended!
Best way to remove Melasma
Melasma, or pregnancy mask, is a common skin conditon, but more prominent in tinted skin types. The PicoWay laser is de only real solution for removing melasma or reduction. This is because the PicoWay laser works on the latset picosecond technology, which means that there is no heat production, which makes the laser compatible for al skintypes.
The PicoWay Laser is approved by the FDA in USA for removal of melasma and has many scientifically proven results. The PicoWay is therefore seen as the safest and most effective method for removing Melasma, also suitable for darker skin types.
At Undo you’ll always be treated by HBO-qualified skin therapist. With locations in Amsterdam, Rotterdam, The Hague and Utrecht there’s always a clinic in your area.

Our method
Melasma is a pigment disorder that in most cases is associated with hormonal fluctuations, exposure to UV-light and hereditary predisposition. Melasma often appears on the cheeks and forehead and is characterized by a butterfly-like shape, a kind of a mask. Melasma develops regularly during or after a pregnancy and is therefore reffered to as a ‘pregnancy mask’ Melasma occurs in both light and dark skin types and is characterized by an excess of pigment in the skin. This excess of pigment can be found in both the superficial and the deeper skin layers.
✓ Free intake
✓ Minimum downtime
✓ Most effective laser in the Netherlands
✓ KP-registered skin therapists
✓ Certified laser specialists
✓ Member of the NVH
Shortest picosecond pulses – the laser will shatter the skin pigment so that the immune system will drain the skin pigments away. There is no heat transfer, the photo acoustic characteristic of the laser means that new melanin isn’t stimulated during treatment. Also the PicoWay has different wavelengths. Double wavelengths (1064 nm and 532 nm) in one picosecond-system is highly effective and can be used on all skin types. Also there’s no discomfort and no downtime.
Free intake
If you are familiar with Melasma, you know that the condition is not easy to remove. To answer all your questions about the treatment properly and completely, we off a free intake. Together with our skin therapist we’ll look into your wishes and we’ll prepare a treatment plan together with you.
How many treatments do I need?
The number of treatments can vary per person. This is mainly because there are several factors that play a role in the treatment process such as, the layer in which the pigment is mainly located, skin type and the amount of excessive pigment. On average we see that 3-7 treatments is needed to remove Melasma with an interval of 4-6 weeks.
The PicoWay Resolve
The PicoWay Resolve is the number 1 treatment to get radiant skin wit a minimal recovery period. It is a safe, effective, advanced and fast method to generate skin rejuvenation.
Due to the advanced technology, there are minimal side effects such as slight redness and a bit of chapped feeling. Skin reactions such as severe redness, pain, swelling and peeling are a thing of the past! The PicoWay Resolve is approved for all skin types, this means that even skin types 3 to 6 can be safely treated with the PicoWay Resolve.
Come and visit us for a free intake and be well informed. Also ask for our proven results to see the proof for yourself!
Wat mensen over ons zeggen
Voor de tweede keer bij Undo geweest en weer snel en goed geholpen. Mijn tattoo is nu zo goed als weg.
I felt very relaxed with the process and the girl who did the treatment to me.
Ik ben erg tevreden over het resultaat bij Undo. De pijn valt me ontzettend mee en ik word altijd vriendelijk geholpen. De tattoo is daarnaast nu ook bijna weg.
Heel erg kundige, fijne, vriendelijke hulp. Ze zorgt ervoor dat ik me op mijn gemak voel. Fijne ervaring.
Super goed clinici, na 1 behandelingen (wenkbrauwen tattoo verwijderen) was het resultaat beter dan gedacht. Super blij mee. Dank jullie wel.
Hele fijn experience. De kliniek aan de overtoom is zeer professioneel en het personeel is kundig en vriendelijk. Ik ben blij dat ik de keuze heb gemaakt om naar UNDO toe te gaan.
Everything was perfect! Feel very comfortable in the hands of your staff!
Ik heb hier een paar sessies gehad. zeer professioneel en vriendelijk personeel. Ik raad deze plek boven alle andere aan voor laserverwijdering. Ik heb informatie en ondersteuning gekregen bij mijn behandeling en professionele werk.

10 reasons why Undo is the solution for Melasma removal
✓ Exclusive treatment protocol
✓ Picolaser with the shortest pulse duration in the Netherlands
✓ Fastest, safest and most effective method
✓ Skin type 1 – 5
✓ Minimum downtime
✓ Certified skin therapists & laser specialists
✓ FDA-approved
✓ Holographic fractionated management treatments
✓ Scientifically proven results
✓ High customer satisfaction (see review page)
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