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Always in good hands with our method

Removing tattoos and pigment is not only our profession, it is also our passion. We are convinced of the technical superiority of our laser and combine this laser, the PicoWay, with a customized treatment plan.


Our skin therapist are all members of the Dutch Association of Skin therapist (Nederlandse Vereniging voor Huidtherapeuten) and are al registered in the Paramedics Quality Register (Kwaliteitsregister Paramedici). Our certified laser specialist has also been a member of the official PicoWay Innovator’s Circle since October 2015, an elite group of medical professionals worldwide who are among the pioneers in tattoo removal.

We are the only clinic in the Netherlands (Amsterdam, Rotterdam, The Hague and Utrecht) that is 100% specialized in tattoo removal with the best picolaser at this moment, the PicoWay.

Read more about us
  • 1.
    Free intake

    You’re welcome to visit us for a free intake. During the intake, the skin therapist or laser specialist will assess your skin (and tattoo) and discuss the treatment options. In addition, a price will be set during this intake and an estimation will be made for the number of required treatments.

  • 2.
    The treatment

    After an intake you can be treated immediately (this is of course not mandatory). A tailor-made treatment plan is offered which will assure you that every treatment is the most effective laser treatment.

    With a medical file we will accurately track, monitor and calibrate the treatment.

  • 3.
    After care

    In the period after the treatment we are of course also there to answer all your questions and give advice. If you have and questions or a note, for example about the after car, you can always contact us 6 days a week by phone, email or via WhatsApp (06-41607008

  • 4.

    After the last treatment we look forward to seeing you again. During this last appointment we will do a follow-up check and evaluate together with you the treatments.

About our laser

PicoWay, the best laser of the Netherlands

The PicoWay laser is unsurpassed to date and has won the award for “best energy treatment of the year” at the Aesthetics Industry Awards in London last year. The PicoWay is therefore globally regarded as “The Golden Standard” for tattoo, permanent makeup and micro hair pigmentation removal.

7 reasons whyPicoWay is the best laser in the Netherlands:

✓ Shortest pulse duration of all picolasers
✓ 3 wavelengths based on the picosecond technique
✓ Holographic fractionated after treatment
✓ FDA approved
✓ Suitable for all skin types and ink colors
✓ Scientifically proven results
✓ No heat development, this means no damage

Read more about the PicoWay

Fast and safe

The most commonly used and safest method for tattooing, permanent makeup and micro hair pigmentation removal is through laser therapy. The PicoWay uses the very latest picosecond technology. A picosecond is one trillionth of a second and is therefore 100 times faster compared to the outdated nanosecond technique that the older lasers (such as the Q-switched ND-Yag and the Harmony laser) work with. Of all picolasers, the PicoWay also has the shortest pulse duration, making it the most effective and safe laser on the market.

The options & after treatment

The PicoWay has three different wavelengths, all of which work on the basis of the picosecond technique. This makes the PicoWay the only laser with this techniques. Other picolasers often work only partially on the basis of the picosecond technique and in addition all have a longer pulse duration compared to the PicoWay. All colors of ink can be treated due to the three different wavelengths. In addition, the PicoWay has a holographic fractionated handpiece, the PicoWay Resolve. This handpiece can be used to treat tattoos, permanent make-up or micro hair pigmentation, where scar tissue originated during setting, to improve the skin structure.

Before / After

See the before and after pictures yourself

The number of treatments varies per tattoo. In addition, for each treatment there are different factors that influence the number of treatments. Examples are: skin type, depth of pigment and individual immune system. During a free intake an estimate will be made for the number of treatments needed.

The before and after images can give an indication of the number of treatments needed, but unfortunately can never be compared 1 on 1 with your situation.

Tip: Drag the photo from left to right to see the result!
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Wat mensen over ons zeggen

Voor de tweede keer bij Undo geweest en weer snel en goed geholpen. Mijn tattoo is nu zo goed als weg.

6 months ago via salonized

I felt very relaxed with the process and the girl who did the treatment to me.

6 months ago via salonized
I’m grateful! It was professional meeting! Let’s do this! Have a great day, UNDO! With our respect, Alan
6 months ago via salonized

Ik ben erg tevreden over het resultaat bij Undo. De pijn valt me ontzettend mee en ik word altijd vriendelijk geholpen. De tattoo is daarnaast nu ook bijna weg.

Donny Roelvink
4 years ago via facebook

Heel erg kundige, fijne, vriendelijke hulp. Ze zorgt ervoor dat ik me op mijn gemak voel. Fijne ervaring.

6 months ago via salonized

Super goed clinici, na 1 behandelingen (wenkbrauwen tattoo verwijderen) was het resultaat beter dan gedacht. Super blij mee. Dank jullie wel.

6 months ago via salonized
Onwijs fijn begeleid door de medewerker tijdens mijn intake gesprek en behandeling. Een goed indruk van de praktijk!
6 months ago via salonized

Hele fijn experience. De kliniek aan de overtoom is zeer professioneel en het personeel is kundig en vriendelijk. Ik ben blij dat ik de keuze heb gemaakt om naar UNDO toe te gaan.

7 months ago via salonized

Everything was perfect! Feel very comfortable in the hands of your staff!

7 months ago via salonized

Ik heb hier een paar sessies gehad. zeer professioneel en vriendelijk personeel. Ik raad deze plek boven alle andere aan voor laserverwijdering. Ik heb informatie en ondersteuning gekregen bij mijn behandeling en professionele werk.

7 months ago via google

Yes! I would like to be treated, but what does this cost and where can I book an appointment?

Calculate your costs immediately Book a free intake
Gratis intake tatoeage vewijderen utrecht