Dear Wesley Sneijder…

The media is now going crazy about your Yolanthe tattoo. As a result, I, who specialize in tattoo removal, immediately received many calls, emails and apps asking how long it takes and how expensive it is to remove Yolanthe from your stomach. They love it, the media, immediately assuming that you regret your tattoo and that you are going to remove it anyway. And that’s exactly what bothers me.
Sure! I can really imagine that if you have a letter, name or portrait of your ex-lover on your body and that ex has cheated on you terribly (or worse), you would rather see that tattoo disappear (and I can help with that of course).
Why not immortalize that love with a tattoo?
But in your case, don’t let the media fool you. Of course I don’t know you, but as far as I know you have always been lyrical about Yolanthe and your love. I can imagine that you got the tattoo because you were head over heels in love, you couldn’t imagine life without her and you had the intrinsic belief that your love was forever. Why not immortalize that love with a tattoo? After getting that tattoo, people will probably have called you naive, irrational or even stupid and it is precisely those people who are now reading the messages about your Yolanthe tattoo with great satisfaction. They enjoy reading those articles about the fact that removing a tattoo will cost a lot of money and then sit back satisfied.
But dear Wesley, let those people talk!
But dear Wesley, let those people talk! The only thing that tattoo says about you is that you believed in love. She is the mother of your beautiful son and will therefore always remain special. As a tattoo remover, I do not think it is self-evident that you should remove that tattoo. Be proud of the love you believed in, of the woman who gave birth to your child and of the wonderful times you had. That is what your tattoo represents: love.
And you just have to think, the crowd that criticises, they don’t know love the way you know it.
UNDO – Tattoo Removal